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Plogging Towards Our First Meeting


Updated: Aug 28, 2019

Bring On Fall We hope everyone had a wonderful summer - as you can tell we have a few fun meetings lined up and 2 more in the works - be on the look out for updates on email or social media - you do not have to have a login to get to our instagram feed to see meeting times and locations. We would love to post some of your flora and fauna photos from summer. Send them to our email -

Plogging is the New Walking - Ploggers Wanted Plogging is technically jogging while picking up litter - but I am adjusting its definition to suit the purpose as it burns more calories than your usual walk by adding steps, including front porch hiking, and squatting as you pick up a weed for your new neighbor-friend ;-) Every year we canvas the neighborhood with welcome flyers to encourage membership and also request donations to keep our triangles in tip top shape. Sign up here for a street and see below for the flyer to print - or email me to get print outs dropped to your mailbox.

First Meeting Jon Culver at Sweet Peas will host our first meeting - all are welcome to join and please inform and encourage any neighbor to come - especially our new neighbors. Again, sign up here to plog some flyers for us.

Get Involved VP Programs or Chaplin are two positions still open that we would love to fill. Programs is almost already planned out so you would be in charge of location and snack/drink sign ups. Chaplin keeps up with our members' life events (babies, illness, etc) and may provide an inspirational quote at meetings. Nothing too time consuming so please email if you are interested in light involvement.

Home Tour Three Cheers for a Home Tour Year - we are looking for another co-chair to divide up some of the duties. This is a well oiled machine thanks to some really great past home tour chairs and the magic notebook & digital docs. While there is some work to be done, it is incremental, it is delegated to committees (we will be looking for committee volunteers at upcoming meetings), and it is spread out over a number of months. The tour date this year is April 26, 2020.

Update Pete Quinn, the man hit on Shades Creek Parkway this summer, has a bench on order that will be dedicated in his memory and placed by the city on the Lakeshore Trail sometime next month. The bench was generously donated by a group of his friends. Jennifer Andress said there is a referral agenda item in for a crosswalk by the Macy's and a larger push to make that stretch in front of Brookwood safer and thus inviting for pedestrians.



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